ECHA Adds 5 Hazardous Substances to REACH SVHC List
Dear Valued Suppliers, On the 21st January 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added 5 hazardous chemicals, listed below, to the REACH Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).&
read moreSystem current inconveniences
Due to some technical activities on the Quality Systems, we inform you that you could experience some malfunctioning in the daily usage. We are working to reduce and solve these issues as soon as poss
read moreParts & Service - Updates about Forecast File on CSCN
Dear Supplier, We want to inform you that the Forecast File on CSCN will not be updated before end of Week 05. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding.
read moreUPDATE - CNH Parts & Service - Year End Closure - Warehouse Delivery
Dear Supplier, Due to the issue on Supplier Portal - Delivery Schedules we had yesterday, We decided to change a little bit the rules for the Holiday closure of our European Parts & Se
read moreTo the attention of South America Suppliers - CONSULTA DE RECEBÍVEIS PARA FORNECEDORES CNH
NOVO PORTAL DE CONSULTA DE RECEBÍVEIS PARA FORNECEDORES CNH Como resposta a nossa Pesquisa NPS onde foi apontada a necessidade de melhoria do nosso sistema de pagamento e,
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to October 2024 performance and t
read moreTo the attention of South America Suppliers - Gifts - End of Year 2024
Prezado Fornecedor, Com a proximidade das festas de fim de ano, gostaríamos de agradecer a você e sua empresa pela dedicação e esforço nas relações come
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to September 2024 performance and
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to August 2024 performance and ta
read moreTo the attention of LATAM Suppliers: ANÚNCIO ORGANIZACIONAL - PUR & SQE LATAM
ANÚNCIO ORGANIZACIONAL - PUR & SQE LATAM A partir de 1º de agosto, tenho o prazer de anunciar a nova organização de Compras & SQE para a região d
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to June 2024 performance and targ
read moreSupplier Portal Outage Today
Dear Suppliers, We would like to inform you that due to a a global issue started this morning at 6 AM CET affecting many companies worldwide and caused by a problem with the anti-malware tool,
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to May 2024 performance and
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to April 2024 performance and tar
read moreTo the attention of Brazilian Suppliers: Preenchimento das TAG’s do XML
Em todas as operações de Venda para a CNH, deverá ser citado em sua nota fiscal eletrônica o Pedido de Compras, o Part Number da CNH e a Linha do Pedido correspondente.
read moreTo the attention of LATAM Suppliers: Condutas no Ambiente de Trabalho
A CNH promove e apoia um ambiente de trabalho sadio, organizado e harmonioso, visando a valorização do ser humano e o seu bem-estar. Nossos colaboradores, fornecedores e parceiros, nas d
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to March 2024 performance and tar
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to February 2024 performance and
read moreGlobal Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release
Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Industrial Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to January 2024 perfor
read moreSQP EVO, IRW, GSS, Sustainability tools - Scheduled Change Release
Dear Supplier, we have to inform you that, due to a scheduled change release, SQP EVO, GSS, IRW and Sustainability tools functionalities will have a stop, Wednesday 28th of February, from 5:00&nb
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