Operational News
19 Jul 2024

Supplier Portal Outage Today

Dear Suppliers,   We would like to inform you that due to a a global issue started this morning at 6 AM CET affecting many companies worldwide and caused by a problem with the anti-malware tool,

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28 Jun 2024

Global Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release

Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to May 2024 performance and

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24 May 2024

Global Supplier Scorecard and Supplier Quality Performance release

Dear Suppliers, we would like to inform you that CNH Global Supplier Scorecard (GSS) and Supplier Quality Performance, updated according to April 2024 performance and tar

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10 May 2024 For your information

To the attention of Brazilian Suppliers: Preenchimento das TAG’s do XML

Em todas as operações de Venda para a CNH, deverá ser citado em sua nota fiscal eletrônica o Pedido de Compras, o Part Number da CNH e a Linha do Pedido correspondente.

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